Tuesday, March 18, 2008

New Video

I made a video about the poem and jacket in the way of the storybook. The results are pretty pleasing,.. it makes me so excited about doing another video.. My sister is going to be writing a song for one of the videos.... I hope everything works out...


I want to use a song my friend Frankie sent me for another one. I have many video ideas.

Thursday, March 06, 2008

I wasn't really inspired today... but I was last night. The Project Runway Finale left me with so many ideas that I'm disappointed at myself for not sitting with my sketchbook. I did see some student work on pbs.org that was inspiring... I think I like the color combination of cardboard, white, and black.... so i think i want to try some drawings next week on notebook paper sized cardboard... it might end-up being more fun than the Artist Trading Cards..

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Artist Trading Cards

I was really impressed by the Artist Trading Cards I saw when I did a class observation at a local school so I wanted to try them out myself. I think with a little more practice and ingenuity I can do fabulous things... It's something I can do when I don't have many materials or a lot of space. These are a couple that I did... When I was walking to class from the library, I was inspired by the wispy trees.. I want to do some kind of big art project involving trees.

The photoshoot I did last week turned out awesome. I'm excited to see how my first editorial is going to look it might be how I get a great portfolio... The main aspect of my photography that I need to change is just using higher resolution photos...

Tuesday, March 04, 2008

pop art love

I got these awesome paint markers that I love using. This work was a mixture of paint markers, acrylic paint and lots of medium. I'm really pleased with how the work came out but it kind of feels that the man in the painting reminds me of someone I know even though I thought the image came from my head. I should post of a picture of the painting sketches that I did. Soon to come are the pictures of the Artist Trading Cards that I've been working on. I still have many other works that need to be posted. I need more inspiration actually.

Monday, March 03, 2008


I didn't realize I have so much to update on... this is the first video I've done to promote my art. My plan was to make another one after I've created more. I might do another one just to do it.
http://youtube.com/watch?v=1ewbz28_7Qg I would embed it but I'm not at a regular computer.


This is the work that was sold at my last gallery showing. I think I want to enter into some more shows just because it's fun to watch people viewing your work and not know you are the artist..


It's been a good while since I've updated this. I've done a lot of work since then. I've even sold something. I'm pleased. Now all I need to do is get my work published. I'm considering doing the Artscape contest. I just haven't figured out what I want to do yet. I also am setting up an etsy. So much work in the mix right now and lots of art parties to attend.